“A feeling of aversion or attachment toward something is your clue that there’s work to be done.” – Baba Ram Dass
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google.com, pub-0418880821635173, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
“A feeling of aversion or attachment toward something is your clue that there’s work to be done.” – Baba Ram Dass
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“Meditation is not evasion; it is a serene encounter with reality.” — Thích Nhất Hạnh
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“If you live the sacred and despise the ordinary, you are still bobbing in the ocean of delusion.” – Linji Yixuan
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“Renew yourself completely every day; do it again, and again, and forever again.” – Zen Proverb
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“Relearn everything. Let every moment be a new beginning.” – Zen Proverb
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“Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.” – Buddhist Proverb
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“Our interactions with one another reflect a dance between love and fear.” – Baba Ram Dass
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Zen does not confuse spirituality with thinking about God while one is peeling potatoes. Zen spirituality is just to peel the potatoes.” — Alan Watts
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“Since all living beings are bound by their craving for existence, you must begin by finding the determination to be free.” – Je Tsongkhapa
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“Act non-action; undertake no undertaking; taste the tasteless.” – Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching
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“All beings are Buddha. All beings are the truth, just as they are.” – Robert Baker Aitken
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“The teacher you need is always the person right in front of you.” – Byron Katie
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“There is nowhere to arrive except the present moment.” – Thích Nhất Hạnh, How to Sit
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“The bird of paradise lands only on the hand that does not grasp.” – Zen Proverb
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“Without giving up hope—that there’s somewhere better to be, that there’s someone better to be—we will never relax with where we are or who we are.” — Pema Chödrön
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“You should sit and meditate for 20 minutes, unless you’re too busy, then you should sit and meditate or an hour.” – Zen Proverb
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“The practice of Zen is forgetting the self in the act of uniting with something.” – Yamada Koun
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“If you understand, things are just as they are. If you do not understand, things are just as they are.” – Zen Proverb
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“By ending greed, hatred, and ignorance, we realize final liberation, Nirvana.” – Gautama Buddha
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“Accept that your life is going on beyond your usual understanding.” — Dainin Katagiri
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“Understand yourself and then you will understand everything.” – Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind [126-0256] 16
“We need the courage to learn from our past and not live in it.” — Sharon Salzberg
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“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” – Dalai Lama XIV
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“Our sorrows provide us with the lessons we most need to learn.” — Lama Surya Das
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“I do not say that I'll depart tomorrow because even today I still arrive.” — Thích Nhất Hạnh
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“We find greater lightness and ease in our lives as we increasingly care for ourselves and other beings.” – Sharon Salzberg, The Force of Kindness: Change Your Life with Love & Compassion
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“The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances.” — Atiśa Dīpa kara Śrījñāna
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“I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures.” — Lao Tzu
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“All beings want to be happy, yet so very few know how.” — Sharon Salzberg
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“Empty yourself of everything. Let the mind rest at peace.” – Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching
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“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” — Dalai Lama XIV
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